
Wednesday 2 September 2015

#StayFitDontQuit Campaign With Get The Label

Fitness is something I have always been interested in and that is why I am so excited to be taking part in GetTheLabel's #StayFitDontQuit campaign thought-out September and getting the chance to try out a new fitness class - spinning!
If you haven't heard of the campaign or seen it on social media, let me explain. So many people only take part in fitness classes during the summer (bikini) season when, in reality, they should be doing it throughout the year and staying fit. This is where GetTheLabel's campaign comes in to encourage people to not quit those classes and go and hide under big jumpers. After all, fitness and good health go hand-in-hand!

fitness campaign get the label #StayFitDontQuit Manchester Bloggers

Now, onto the amazing gym wear that was very kindly sent to me! Trainers, leggings and a top - the essentials. Have to say I think these are some of the comfiest work out items I have ever worn. The trainers are so comfy and super light, making them great for working out it. They also have a rubber-like insole which acts as a cushion for your foot to support it and reduce concussion when running. I love the fact that they have some colour but not too much! The leggings are by Adidas, so you already know they are amazing quality. I love the contrast colour t the waistband - something I haven't had before. The top is by Under Armour and is made from a super soft material and has strappy back detail - means you can show off that colourful sports bra you have!

I can't wait to wear everything and to attend my first spinning class - I'll get back to you on how that one goes!

Love Laura x

*This product has been gifted/sent
for review by PR and/or the brand