Saturday, 9 December 2017

12 Quotes For When Times Get Tough

The tough times happen to everyone at some point and on these days, there is nothing you want more than to sleep for a few hours and basically make everyone and everything go away just for a little while. Sometimes it's because of something happening in your life at the time or you simply wake up with that feeling that isn't quite 'you'. Of course, we all have those days where one thing after another seems to go wrong and while you may not feel strong, you are.

 Of course it's not always possible to sleep all day to try and escape these feelings, you have to look inside yourself and find the strength to carry on, even when it feels like everything is trying to break you apart. I always keep a list of 'strong' quotes, so here are my favourites to help inspire you to keep going even when times get tough.

Do you have any quotes or anything you read when you need a bit of motivation or encouragement when times get a bit tough?
Love Laura x


  1. I've always loved the quote 'You're stronger than you know' and J.K Rowling's quote is also a fav! So inspirational especially if you're going through a hard time.

    Julia // The Sunday Mode

  2. I love all of these quotes- they're so inspiring for the harder times in life!

    Emily xo

    1. They really are, but a lot of people don't know them! x

  3. Thank you for this post really needed it. I like the J.k Rowling quote and the quote from MLK. (:

